Hams Fitness
Epsom Personal Trainer - 07742 952 208

Archive for October, 2009

Endurance work is good for you - yeah right!

Wed ,21/10/2009

One of my clients advised me that they were going to be running a 10k race in one month;

I hate anything endurance based that requires the body to perform the same movement over and over thousands of times…..it’s just plain bad for all the tissues involved…….I said - would you squat 7000 times for a healthy workout?!

Running 10,000 meters is thousands of reps of the same movement that wears the heart, the joints and soft tissues down - what are you long distance people thinking of….do none of you know that the first ever marathoner died straight after!!!

Marathons are healthy.....sure

And people die all the time during marathons;


Having said all that, I am really pleased they have set themselves a new goal and wish them all the best in the actual event and look forward to future preparation personal training sessions!

You can get all the health benefits of endurance training plus so much more with out any of the side effects (death, busted knees and skinny fat) if you utilise the principles laid out in my Go Anywhere, Do Anything ebook


Head down and see me for a session or two and learn for yourself what it is to workout properly without the need for traditional cardio!

Besides - you deserve to have your spare time taken up by friends, family and the finer things in life….like a beer or two and not by stupid long sessions on the treadmill or bike.

Epsom Personal Trainer. The Facts and Truth About Bodybuilding and Strength Training

Tue ,20/10/2009

I have been asked many times about what really works and what doesn’t. What is hooey and what is real. What of our teachings are blurry and watered down. What has been fluffed up and rehashed to sound complex.

The truth is this - most of what was worth while knowing about bodybuilding and strength training was discovered long ago and there really is very little that is new under the sun. It can now just be put together in non fluffy, easy to understand and follow, meaningful, factual ways for all to use. Much like the light bulb.

Body Building Facts - the truth, no fluff. Simple. It works.

Strength Training - the truth, rules of becoming strong as you can

What I have done is package all the needed information into a really simple, factual and honest list of rules that will have you at your goal as quick as nature will allow you.

There is very little that is fancy about either strength training or bodybuilding - anybody who tells you different is either lying, not sure themselves and hope something will stick, trying to sell you something or too stupid to see through their own hype - they bamboozled themselves:)

All the best and most elegant answers are simple, even if the questions are not.

I have written Bodybuilding Facts - the truths of how to get big - no fluff. Simple.

Also available is Strength Training - the truth about what it takes. Simple rules that produce what you ask for to any height of results you care to attempt for!

To access these pages you must pay. Email me at admin@hamsfitness.com

If I said I could give you a pill that would give you the strength and body you seek - how much it would it be worth to you?

I have instead something far more profound and powerful than a pill - I can give you knowledge. With that knowledge you can journey through your life experiencing what it takes to get to where you want to be - it is the journey that builds us……not the pill.

I am a Personal Trainer in Epsom, Surrey. My goal is to share my knowledge with as many people as I can across the world so they too can see their goals materialise with the help of the facts I share. Pass the word….

Epsom Personal Trainer. The Difference Between Sports and Exercise

Tue ,20/10/2009

Sports are for competition, fun and very skill based.

They are not designed to make you look good - that just happens to be a nice by product of all the hard work that accidentally happens during the fun!

Exercise is a structured series of movements designed to elicit a specified and pre-determined result.

The difference - one can be fun and the other is inherently fun otherwise you wouldn’t take part in the first place.

My point? If you want to look great but dont enjoy sports of any kind, you can’t expect to fully enjoy the hard work that comes with structured, goal orientated exercise.

I enjoy driving my car, it is like a sport. I don’t enjoy putting in fuel, changing tyres etc but I know it is necessary for me to do if I want to fully enjoy all it’s capabilities.

Exercise is life fuel and a mandatory part of enjoying your body to it’s fullest capabilities.

I am a Personal Trainer in Epsom, Surrey. My goal is to share my knowledge with as many people as I can across the world so they too can see their goals materialise with the help of the facts I share. Pass the word….

Are you an Action Man? Epsom Personal Trainer says you can be!

Mon ,19/10/2009

All of you that are looking to make a change in your life had better believe you can be an action man/woman.

Hiring a Personal Trainer for their time and knowledge is not a magical recipe that will transform you from soggy to ninja. You will also have to understand and totally accept that all the effort is on you.

Without your effort, your concentration and focus it could all be a waste of money, neither you or your Personal Trainer (especially me) wants wasted time in a Personal Training session, or outside of it for that matter.

1) Use Your Head

Make your time in the gym worth the effort, work hard and smart. A random bundling of gimmicky, fad exercises may look cool but be sure they are giving you the results you deserve. Simple and hard is usually more effective.

2) You do it Wrong Right Now

If you are overweight, you need to admit you need a change in your thought processes surrounding food. You eat too much of the wrong type of foods. The sooner you admit that to yourself the sooner you can look and feel awesome. Denying you have your wires crossed will lead you to exactly where you are now. There is no fault at work here, just simply a wrong perspective. You will be hard pushed to get fat on meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds with some grain products prepared in natural and healthy ways.

3) Crash Diet - Ever Seen a Productive Crash?

A crash diet will yield messy results, you will need to reprogramme the way you think of food to look and truly feel better about being you.

4) Most People Only Burn 500 Calories Per Hour Maximum In The Gym - 1lb Fat = 3500 Calories!

Exercise as a method of calorie burning is short term and ultimately futile.

5) Find Your True Internal Motivation

Ask yourself why you really want to change your body. Is it for health reasons, vanity, self esteem or self confidence, to please another person perhaps. What ever your reason and driving force, be sure that it is important to you - if it is not important to you in a very personal way then you are unlikely to put 100% into it. Anything less than 100% is not going to be good enough. When you have really found out what it is that drives you, hold that thought in your head, remind yourself of it throughout each and every day. When you feel like taking it easy or “treating” yourself, SHOUT aloud internally to yourself why you are doing this and believe you are worth the change. YOU ARE.

6) Staying At The Top Is Easier Than Getting There

Once you have reached your goals, it will be so much easier to maintain them than it was to get there. I promise.

7) You Don’t Know Everything

Each time you think you know better or are low on motivation, remember that your way, the way you have been following up to this point has got you exactly where you don’t want to be. You want a Personal Trainer for a reason, you want a change, remember? Have faith that you are worth the effort and that you can learn and make habit a new way of thinking, a new you.

8) Just Do It, Become Action Man/Woman

Don’t blame anyone or anything for the position you are in now, take ACTION. Move on from the past, realise you are only where you are now because you didn’t have the information you needed to help you make this change. Take ACTION, take control, take responsibility for the new you.

I hope this helps you discover the whys and hows of your new direction and I look forward to seeing you soon at the Epsom Personal Training facility!

Adios for now you gorgeous people and remember -


I am a Personal Trainer in Epsom, Surrey. My goal is to share my knowledge with as many people as I can across the world so they too can see their goals materialise with the help of the facts I share. Pass the word….

Get Started with Epsom Personal Training

Fri ,16/10/2009

If you have ever thought about increasing your wellbeing, losing fat, looking better, being stronger, fitter, healthier or wanting to feel better about who you are as a person but never seem to get round to it, now is the time to build momentum.

If you find yourself saying “I will look into it” or “I want to do it but just cant seem to find the time or money” then in all liklihood you will always say that and ten years will pass and the tomorrow you thought of never arrived.

How many Personal Trainers have you spoken with, how many free consultations have you taken advantage of? You may find out that actually YOU CAN do it and that YOU DO have the time, YOU DO have the money.

Perhaps one of the Personal Trainers you spoke with surprised you with some new information you didn’t previously know about.

My point being;

If you don’t start gathering momentum, even if small amounts at a time, you will never build up enough to actually take action.

The most successful people on the planet take action, they build momentum, they gather information and then feel they are ready to see their momentum bloom into effort and results.

Be successful, gather information, take small steps and they will build into strides and then leaps and bounds.

YOU CAN MAKE A SMALL STEP - talk to someone, make the first small step.

Power to you. You deserve the health and body you want, you deserve to feel good about being you.

Cardiovascular Health - Epsom Personal Training

Wed ,14/10/2009

Too busy for the gym? Not enough money for a personal trainer but want to be healhty and kick your metabolism into high gear?

No problem, I have the solution for you right here in the Epsom Personal Training facility;

Too many people believe that to have heart health and fitness you must workout out for hours on end per week - TRUE - if you want to be a marathon runner. If you are looking for a healthy heart and great fitness platform then Hams Fitness High Intensity Interval training is your answer.

Increased cardiac function, health and increased metabolism can be achieved in as little as 15 minutes of the correct training.

Perform this 1-3 days per week and you have just saved yourself lots of money and time.

You do not have to call me today, however, your heart will thank you the sooner you get started.

07742 952 208 Epsom Personal Trainer

Bodybuilding Training - Epsom

Tue ,13/10/2009

Afternoon All,

Body building has had a bad press over the past 20 years - images of oiled up, thong wearing narcissists pop to mind. Fair enough.

However, that is not what true body building is.

Body building in the pure and original sense is simply trying to build the best body you can to help you look better and perform better in everyday life whilst watching your diet so that you stay trim and able bodied.

So few people on the planet (relatively speaking) can actually reach huge proportions that it makes me laugh when people say they don’t want to look like a bodybuilder, I say good - because you cant!

I provide a service that allows you to achieve a muscular (read healthy and strong) and lean physique (read healthy - very few people have the genetics for a washboard magazine mid section) in less time that you might think.

A full body workout should take no longer than thirty (30) minutes to complete and can give you a great looking and functioning body in 2 sessions per week. I sell that at £160 per month (8 sessions) - £20 per session - Personal Training face to face with a Personal Trainer of my calibre does not come at a better price….anywhere.

Why do I offer this so cheap - because I want people to see and feel the benefits of old school, traditional body building. I want you then to tell your friends about it, teach them what I teach you. The more healthy and strong people we have, the better we will be for it.

Any age can body build, after all, it just means to build a better body. Young, old, thin, fat, able bodied or disabled, we can all benefit by being stronger and leaner. Take action and do something about it.

One hour per week to get a healhtier, more attractive and more useful body.

Seems like a no brainer to me…but then I am bias.

When you want to take action to change your body and life for the better, in a sensible way and put the work in - call me - 07742 952 208

Online Personal Training from Hams Fitness Epsom Trainer

Fri ,09/10/2009

Online Personal Training is now available from me, your personal trainer!

Check the links to the right to read more about online Personal Training

Introducing the Epsom Personal Training E-book

Thu ,08/10/2009

For years people have been telling to write a book on training, “There are already too many” I used to say. I still think that there are too many - not many particularly useful ones mind but too many all the same.

A couple of years ago I put a few words down and have since returned to the idea as more people said that they haven’t seen me writing yet. I heard the calls, saw a want for what I could provide and produced this short yet informative e-book.

If you feel that you already know what causes exercise to be effective and how to get the best from it then it sounds as if you don’t need to see it written down.

If however, you like the sound of being able to see what produces results and how to feel them for yourself then grab this guidebook.

It will show you how to feel and be stronger, how to be bigger if you wish, why this happens, how to improve your cardiovascular fitness levels, how to stay motivated with varied programmes and keep you busy for months if not years to come.

£4:99 only

click the link below to purchase now or read more on the tab on the right.

Personal Training Epsom and Surrey

Wed ,07/10/2009

Good Afternoon,

I just wanted to drop a note to remind you of the promo offer;


To give you some incentive I offer additional reasons above and beyond health and vanity to have you train at the Epsom Personal Training Facility;

1) Train with a friend and they get a 50% discount!

2) Refer a monthly client - GET PAID £30 or 2 FREE sessions!


Before signing up, why not take advantage of our no obligation FREE CONSULTATION?

I am a Personal Trainer based in Epsom and the surrounding areas (Ashtead, Ewell, Leatherhead, Cheam etc) and have a Personal Training facility in Epsom.
Take the step toward looking better, feeling great and hearing your friends talk of your transformation - call today 07742 952 208