Hams Fitness
Epsom Personal Trainer - 07742 952 208

Posts Tagged ‘Variety’

Here We Go!

Sun ,03/01/2010

Thanks to all of you who have been in contact this last week getting signed up for Personal Training in Epsom this New Year.

Here is a toast to the results and bodies 2010 will support!

Fuelled with festive food and new year ideals we can strip fat, tone, tighten and improve health and fitness with style, in less time an money. Thirty minute workouts not only give you the most satisfying results but the sessions never stagnate and they are over before you get bored!

You warm up, you strengthen and then set the metabolism on fire with intelligent and productive exercise techniques.

With plenty of variety and new found skills you will never bore, you will be more functional than ever and will have more energy than your peers!

So here’s to 2010, I look forward to training with you and reaching new heights.

Adios for now fitness fans,


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What is fitness? Epsom Personal Trainer explains

Wed ,11/11/2009

A question that should be on the lips of everyone interested in getting “fit”.

What does being fit mean to you?

To me it means being able to complete daily tasks with ease and still having a reserve that is capable of carrying out out the occasional extraordinary task - like pushing a broken down car, helping someone off the floor who has fallen, moving house for a friend, playing games and a variety of other tasks without waking the next day in pain and suffering.

For another person it may mean running a marathon, lifting 3 times their bodyweight or being able to touch their toes.


Fitnes is not a sign of health, they can be related but rest assured they are not the same thing; a marathoner is fit for covering very long distances but they are not always healthy - too many die from exhaustion or heart failure, have wrecked joints etc - that is not health. Footballers are fit for running around, jumping and being agile - how many have knee replacements, torn ligaments etc - fit but not healthy.

If you want to be fit then great, I can help, if you want health, great I can help. Just don’t mistake fitness for health.

Just because you can’t run a 10k in under 30 minutes doesnt mean you’re not fit. It just means you’re not fit for that activity. In the same breath, just because you can run it in under 30 minutes does not mean you are fitter than those that can’t - afterall, can you lift double bodyweigth from the ground, ride a horse, walk on your hands?


Book into Epsom Personal Training with your own trainer for YOUR FREE consultation 07742 952 208

What is your body worth?

Sat ,07/11/2009

Thinking about Personal Training with me here in Epsom but perhaps feel you cant afford it?

Can you afford not to should be the question!

How much more would you be able to accomplish with your day if you were strong, fit and healthy. If you were full of energy and had a more inspired and positive perspective on the world.

If you feel confident in your body imagine how confident you’ll feel in the workplace and in life, you could be unstoppable.

How many more people could you speak with, how much more effective could you be in your day, how much time could you save - how much further ahead from the field could you stride?

To complete a tough physical task will give you mental tenacity like few other things in life will. if you are strong enough in the gym to push through your fears and doubts, the cross over it has in everyday life is outstanding. You can overcome anything life throws at because your body is strong. A strong body houses a strong mind.

Strengthen your body to strengthen your mind and in turn your life. Become more successsful in all you do.

Call me, your Epsom Personal Trainer today and arrange your free consultation. TAKE ACTION and build MOMENTUM toward a new stronger, better you!

07742 952 208

Awesome Ape

Tue ,03/11/2009

Check out Awesome Ape for some great training information;

Awesome Ape for strength,toning, hard bodied, large bodied old school mixed with nu school body building and shaping

Another great resource

Sat ,31/10/2009

One of my favourite sites and authors in this game is Dan John.

He is friendly, helpful and has a way with words. Most of all he is knowledgeable and shares that knowledge for FREE.

see here; Dan John website

The site is great if you want to lose fat, read about lifting heavy weights, love a good anecdote or to pick up some awesome tips.

Exercise, love it when results are good

Thu ,29/10/2009

Exercise is a great thing, it makes us feel great, we have all sorts of chemicals released in ours bodies that promote the feel good factor about what we have done, and rightly so - exercise if done correctly can be a great thing indeed.

On the flip side, it can lead you to feeling frustrated and betrayed! When you work your heart out, sweat out a weeks supply of sweat, lift more and heavier than ever, run faster, row harder and fight more ferociously than you normally do but guess what, sometimes results just don’t seem to be there.

Viscous circle, you then feel you should work harder, more often and for longer. WRONG, when results are not what you want you should rest, take a week to ten days of rest and relax, after all if results aren’t as you want right now, a small rest wont make them worse will it.

Your body adapts to stress, especially if it is repetitive, it reaches a point where it no longer needs to change. resting will reset your adaptation system and allow exercise to cause results once again.

Perhaps even try something new and different after your rest.

Seek professional advice too, they may know something you don’t!

Adios for now fitness fans,

Richard Ham Williams, Epsom Personal Trainer

More to Exercise than “Just Do It”

Fri ,23/10/2009

Are you one of the many people that wonder why they haven’t experienced the full benefits of exercise despite going to the gym regularly?

Well perhaps that’s because most exercise advice/articles/books etc. rarely take into account all FOUR aspects of exercise which in turn leaves you, the health concious individual, in the dark. The sad part about all this is that the “experts” who freely hand out this advice, for the most part, know very little about what constitutes proper exercise.

What are the four aspects of exercise?

ONE - Cardio vascular/pulmonary health. The ability of the heart and lungs to function fully and support muscular movement without ill consequence. This can be achieved in any way that increases heart rate. It could be swimming, running, weight lifting or sex - what ever turns your heart on.

It's a muscle - give it a rest!

Breath deeply

TWO - Skeletal health. The density of the bones and the health of the joints. Traditional “cardio” does this the world of hurt. Joints are repeatedly pounded and ground away. Continue this self harming activity too frequently and your knees and hips will wave you goodbye - “You’ll miss them when they’re gone” (Sunscreen Song). If you enjoy running for running sake, do it, enjoy, good for you, however, no more than once or twice a week - even that is pushing it. Oh and if you insist on doing it , try POSE running; it helps relieve the impact forces shocking your joints into submission.

"You'll miss them when they're gone"

THREE - Muscular tone, strength and amount. Sarcopenia is a very VERY serious issue that debilitates everyone as they age (I don’t mean old people, I mean anyone that ages, if your’e over 20 then take note). Yes YOU too. It is the wasting of muscular tissue that causes you to stoop, to be weak and frail, to have difficulty getting out of your chair, out of bed or off the floor - to live. Muscular mass and strength is THE most important aspect of exercise when age creeps in. If you do one thing for your health - body build, please don’t show me the shots of you in thongs oiled up though. Seriously, body building isn’t about getting bulbous muscles or looking slimy. It is about building the parts of your body that need building for your health.

Your motor - train them

FOUR - Flexibility, the ability of a joint and muscles to work together to move pain free through a full range of motion. Not too far, not too short. Ever watch your nan try and reach for the cupboard just over should height and see the strain it is? If you don’t use it, you lose it. That doesn’t quite cover it though, if you don’t use it and keep it strong, you lose it. This means you need to work your exercise through big, full ranges of motion.

Be flexible - but not too much:)

What does this mean for your exercise? It means if you only ever jog or row or swim or lift weights and rest a lot then you need to up your game people. All you traditional cardio crowd, stop it, give your heart a break (it’s a muscle and needs rest too - did you know too much cardio causes scarring of cardiac muscle, that’s bad by the way, really bad long term.) and learn how to work hard for a change :), pick up a weight and thicken up your bones, strengthen your muscles and look better for it. If all you ever do is lift weights in the traditional sense, try cutting your rest periods down to 30 seconds and work through your workout faster with bigger ranges of motion - no half baked squats or curls (you know who you are).

I have adopted and developed various techniques that allow all four of the above criteria to be met, meaning I and my clients get all the benefits of all the above and NONE of the bad side effects. If you want to learn more or jump straight in then call or mail me;

07742 952 208 / admin@hamsfitness.com

Book in with your local Epsom Personal Trainer - ME :)

Epsom Personal Trainer. The Facts and Truth About Bodybuilding and Strength Training

Tue ,20/10/2009

I have been asked many times about what really works and what doesn’t. What is hooey and what is real. What of our teachings are blurry and watered down. What has been fluffed up and rehashed to sound complex.

The truth is this - most of what was worth while knowing about bodybuilding and strength training was discovered long ago and there really is very little that is new under the sun. It can now just be put together in non fluffy, easy to understand and follow, meaningful, factual ways for all to use. Much like the light bulb.

Body Building Facts - the truth, no fluff. Simple. It works.

Strength Training - the truth, rules of becoming strong as you can

What I have done is package all the needed information into a really simple, factual and honest list of rules that will have you at your goal as quick as nature will allow you.

There is very little that is fancy about either strength training or bodybuilding - anybody who tells you different is either lying, not sure themselves and hope something will stick, trying to sell you something or too stupid to see through their own hype - they bamboozled themselves:)

All the best and most elegant answers are simple, even if the questions are not.

I have written Bodybuilding Facts - the truths of how to get big - no fluff. Simple.

Also available is Strength Training - the truth about what it takes. Simple rules that produce what you ask for to any height of results you care to attempt for!

To access these pages you must pay. Email me at admin@hamsfitness.com

If I said I could give you a pill that would give you the strength and body you seek - how much it would it be worth to you?

I have instead something far more profound and powerful than a pill - I can give you knowledge. With that knowledge you can journey through your life experiencing what it takes to get to where you want to be - it is the journey that builds us……not the pill.

I am a Personal Trainer in Epsom, Surrey. My goal is to share my knowledge with as many people as I can across the world so they too can see their goals materialise with the help of the facts I share. Pass the word….

Epsom Personal Trainer. The Difference Between Sports and Exercise

Tue ,20/10/2009

Sports are for competition, fun and very skill based.

They are not designed to make you look good - that just happens to be a nice by product of all the hard work that accidentally happens during the fun!

Exercise is a structured series of movements designed to elicit a specified and pre-determined result.

The difference - one can be fun and the other is inherently fun otherwise you wouldn’t take part in the first place.

My point? If you want to look great but dont enjoy sports of any kind, you can’t expect to fully enjoy the hard work that comes with structured, goal orientated exercise.

I enjoy driving my car, it is like a sport. I don’t enjoy putting in fuel, changing tyres etc but I know it is necessary for me to do if I want to fully enjoy all it’s capabilities.

Exercise is life fuel and a mandatory part of enjoying your body to it’s fullest capabilities.

I am a Personal Trainer in Epsom, Surrey. My goal is to share my knowledge with as many people as I can across the world so they too can see their goals materialise with the help of the facts I share. Pass the word….

Introducing the Epsom Personal Training E-book

Thu ,08/10/2009

For years people have been telling to write a book on training, “There are already too many” I used to say. I still think that there are too many - not many particularly useful ones mind but too many all the same.

A couple of years ago I put a few words down and have since returned to the idea as more people said that they haven’t seen me writing yet. I heard the calls, saw a want for what I could provide and produced this short yet informative e-book.

If you feel that you already know what causes exercise to be effective and how to get the best from it then it sounds as if you don’t need to see it written down.

If however, you like the sound of being able to see what produces results and how to feel them for yourself then grab this guidebook.

It will show you how to feel and be stronger, how to be bigger if you wish, why this happens, how to improve your cardiovascular fitness levels, how to stay motivated with varied programmes and keep you busy for months if not years to come.

£4:99 only

click the link below to purchase now or read more on the tab on the right.