The holiday is looming and you have just one month to prepare for the topless beach situation and you have some fat to lose, what do you do?
You do exactly as I am about to: you attack fat loss with all the vigour and focus you can muster for an intense and smart approach to fat loss for a very limited window of time.
This is what I wrote on the Facebook page:
One month fat loss blast starts tomorrow…I’ll be making all my food diaries available if you fancy following it to see how I go about losing the lardy bits I have.Why one month? Because fat loss is a sprint and dragging it out for too long just means too much suffering. I attack it for as long as I can hold the right mindset and stick with it. Half hearted dieting drives me nuts and usually leads me down a painful path.
Feel free to join me this August in dropping some tub…I have my before photos done and my shopping completed for the coming week of being sensible.
You’ll still see lush foods, plenty of carbs and no needless cutting of any one food group…they’ll still be beers, burgers and all the good stuff in there but I’ll be monitoring calories each day and over the course of each week.
If one day goes awry then the next will be bang on the money.
No need to be extreme, just a little smarter and some focus.
I’ll share the tips I use to control hunger and all that jazz so if you fancy a little amusement and perhaps some educational shizzel…watch this space.
Feel free to join in and share this around if you want to drop a little fat with me this August and ask questions if you have them…..
I am tracking my food and calorie intake using “MyFitnessPal” and so far am pleasantly surprised by how simple it is to use and the bar code scanner makes tracking calories an easy task that leaves no excuses.
TOP TIP - I enter the foods as I eat them to ensure I don’t forget what I have eaten as we are so prone to doing if we log at the end of the day.
Not excessively fat but it’s better to get a (love) handle on things before they get out of control!
Weight = 96.1 kg
Body Fat = 24.4% by electronic cheap scales but so long as a downward trend is noted the absolute accuracy is not of importance for this exercise
Hydration = 50.5%
Waist around belly button = 94.5cm
Vertical belly button skin fold = 17.5mm
These are the baseline minimum measurements I take with myself and Personal Training clients and extra’s where needed as they are good markers for overall progress and visual change.
I am predicting that I’ll end up around 90kg by the end and sub 20% body fat as per my cheap scales but as mentioned above, the absolute accuracy of the reading is not really important so long as the same scale is used and the numbers moved in a good direction.
Reality Check
I should point out here that I am in no way trying or expecting to end up with a rippling six pack after this. Four weeks is not long enough for that to happen from my starting point and I simply lack the motivation to diet strictly enough for that to happen among other things. Besides which I am altogether too hairy for it to ever show and waxing/shaving is NOT going to happen my friends.
I just want to not feely squishy and would like the fat bits to stop moving when I do rather than when they have finished surfing around my midsection.
If you follow #LeanerAugust with me then have realistic expectations too.
Yes, I admit that I have let body fat creep to personally unacceptable levels for a number a reasons: 1) being lazy 2) post operative recovery seemed like a reasonable excuse for the first 4 months but it has gone on too long and I feel squishy. It’s not nice.
If you feel the same or just want to drop a few inches and look leaner then feel free to join in this August for #LeanerAugust.
My workouts will be standard fare: a mix of strength training one day and some short, intense cardio on other days.
I’ll be doing this between 2 and 5 days per week depending on how much time I get and will keep a log of everything I do.
Workouts last approximately 30 minutes and are always full body, body building routines, that focus on function, progression and effort. I want to hold onto as much lean tissue as I can during this fat loss stage and that means little to no easy paced cardio and controlled, low volume, high intensity weight training, performed my way.
Join in
Daily updates will be appearing on Twitter under my handle @RHamWilliams with the hash tag #LeanerAugust and on the Facebook page as mentioned above and my food diary is public viewing on MyFitnessPal
Join in this August and get leaner with me….ask any questions you have anywhere you like! Facebook, twitter or here….so many ways to succeed it’s impossible to fail!
with your expert Personal Fitness Trainer in Epsom, Surrey and London, R Ham Williams